António Góis

I am a PhD candidate at Mila and Université de Montréal, supervised by Simon Lacoste-Julien. Recently I’ve been interested in frameworks such as performative prediction, where predictive systems can change the behaviour of populations which are being predicted (Góis et al., AISTATS 2025). This may also motivate links with evolutionary game theory or with economics. I’m also generally interested in causal inference and structure learning (Deleu et al., UAI 2022), and modelling large-scale human behaviour.

I have completed my MSc in Computer Engineering in Lisbon at Instituto Superior Técnico, studying evolution of cooperation under the supervision of Francisco Santos and Fernando Santos. During this period I used evolutionary game theory to study how reward and punishment impact cooperation in a collective risk dilemma. (Góis et al., Scientific Reports 2019)

In between my MSc and my PhD I spent three years working with André Martins on machine translation, both at Unbabel and Instituto Superior Técnico. This included a 4-month research visit to NYU under the supervision of Kyunghyun Cho.

In a previous life I completed a bachelor on Business Management, and wore a suit and tie at McKinsey & Co for a summer. I have also studied jazz guitar, including two years as a full-time student.

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Last update: October 2024.
Credit for the template to Jon Barron.